Mid-November… Still Raining, But Plenty of Surf

Well its mid-November and still raining… but we have plenty of surf as well, not huge but plenty fun and peaky in the 3-5 ft. faces range . It looks like a little longer until we get rid of the rains so the nights will be cool and the afternoons a bit wet for a week or so still! Boards are starting to sell as the tourists arrive and Aguinaldo’s are paid and that’s sure nice to see!!! Happy Surfing! Chuck and the CREW at WOW SURF!

Ultimate Quiver Competition

DON’T MISS THIS!! Check out the site www.surfindustries.com and enter the ultimate quiver competition; you can’t go wrong, 5 free boards for you and 5 free boards for a friend. Brought to you by Global Surf and ourselves here at WOW SURF, in addition to some of the most prestigious local surf shops in your area. While you’re at it, don’t forget to also go to our shop page on Facebook and send us a like! Hey we are giving you a chance to win free surfboards for you and a friend after all!!! Visit WOW Surf On Facebook Thanks and good luck!


Man we had some surf here this weekend, some very powerful if not real big swell hit us and Jaco had some barrels on Sunday you couldn’t believe. Hermosa was eating up boards and giving away some great truck size barrels to the lucky ones that could do it! Tourism was up for sure and now Monday is looking pretty busy as well, we must be doing something right!!!!